Persistent Cookies

  1. 7 years ago

    Is there a plan to implement persistant cookies?
    At the moment when you close the application cookies are not stored.

    webview/cookie discussion

    Any news on the timeline for push messages?

    @fadattf , Issue has been fixed in v3.0. Push Notifications also available.

  2. admin

    31 Dec 2016 Administrator

    Hi @fadattf , Thank you for your valuable suggestion, we will surely implement this feature soon with a minor release. Push notifications have been delayed due to policy updates by google play. We have implemented the most of things in a proper manner, we will be launching the Push Notifications very soon.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by fadattf

    @admin great to hear that. Persistant Cookies are important if user want to embed Websites with Logins.

    Can't wait to try that feature.

  4. 6 years ago


    30 Apr 2017 Administrator Answer
    Edited 6 years ago by admin

    @fadattf , Issue has been fixed in v3.0. Push Notifications also available.

  5. @admin: tested and it works ;)


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