Signing & Keystore

  1. 7 years ago

    I just have read the posting from Arminder ( ).
    Since I know from other projects that the signing is very important: Do you plan to implement here somehting so that the user can import/export keys or that the keys are beeing generated if a project is startet and can be saved with the project?

    I see two problemes at the moment (at least I had that problems with my apps a year ago):

    1. I can only have on app in the play store since every app must have a different signature
    2. If you change the keys/signature in the future it's not possible to update the app since the signature isn't the same any longer.

    Custom keystore feature is now available with version v3.1.

  2. admin

    5 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Hi @fadattf ,
    The keystore is inbuilt with Website 2 APK and all the apps generated are signed with same keystore, so that you will have no issues in future.

    Second thing, you can upload as many apps as you want, Google Play does not allow updating an already existing app with different keystore, but it allows multiple apps with same keystore, you should never face any such issues.


  3. @admin thanks for clearing that up

  4. 6 years ago


    11 Feb 2018 Administrator Answer

    Custom keystore feature is now available with version v3.1.


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