Highly Cached strange behaviour

  1. 4 years ago

    Hello, I'm trying to understand how Highly Cached works, but I'm sure there is something wrong with it, this is what I thought:

    Note: This is an hibrid app, it use online and offline content.

    Normal Cached App

    index.html --> Available locally (offline)
    style.css --> Available locally (offline)
    index.js --> External content (online)
    library.js --> Available locally (offline)

    In this case, the person needs to be Online to get index.js, and when the app is closed, the file is gone, it can't be accessed anymore until the app is used again and thee person is online.

    Highly Cached App

    index.html --> Available locally (offline)
    style.css --> Available locally (offline)
    index.js --> External content (online)
    library.js --> Available locally (offline)

    Per my understanding, index.js is cached "permanently" when the app is first booted online, you can use it when you are offline, just like local storage on JavaScript, and it's updated when you are online again.

    The Problem

    It half works... It works expectedly when online, when offline, it alternates between "file available" and "file not available". This two screenshots were taken when I was offline (also no mobile data).


    Again, if I booted the app a third time, the chart would be available even thought I didn't connect to any form of data or internet, if I booted a fourth time, the chart wouldn't be available again, a fifth, it would, and continues likes this.

    To reproduce the issue, just make an offline app with highly cached enabled that gets at least one external resource.

    Your program is awesome, I just need my apps to be available both online and offline.

    ~ Thank you and regards.

  2. admin

    8 Jul 2019 Administrator

    As a web developer you must understand that external data and content requests are never cached as data on server can be changed. Everything is working correctly, you're expecting too much to be done just with available caching option.

  3. Sir, please, what I'm trying say is that external content IS getting stored, if you could please try to reproduce what I'm saying, you could grasp more of it. I'm not saying that the first or second behavior is strange, I'm more interested on the third boot, if external content wasn't getting cached, then, how the chart is getting printed? If you want, I can provide the .apk for inspection.

  4. admin

    8 Jul 2019 Administrator

    Better you can debug to get exact issue:


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