2.4 version Expected Date

  1. 7 years ago

    What time does the 2.4 version release

  2. I think I am asking that questions for 12 months.
    Got no answer till today (never) ;(.
    I'm not sure if there will be an update soon.

  3. 12 months?

    What is an update every year?

    Puff, how barbaric, I see that bugs that have been detected are not corrected with new updates.

  4. @SuBc 12 months?

    What is an update every year?

    Puff, how barbaric, I see that bugs that have been detected are not corrected with new updates.

    There hast been another support forum prior to this one and there habe been already the same requests as here.

    I realy love the product but I don't know why there ist no timeplan.

    The longer it takes for the next release the more people have to renew their licenses.

  5. Same is what they are looking for, because I do not understand that when reporting a fault record, they do not solve it by getting an update, as all other programs do.

    I have to use it with local web pages, and from the day I buy it I still have not been able to use it.


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