Why to use Custom Keystore? In-Built works as well

  1. 6 years ago

    Hello Admin I found the In Built Keystore is very helpful and easy to use. So I am very okay with the old version v3.0.2 Pro.

    But some updates are not in this version, so I had to use the latest release even I don't like the Custom Keystore feature.

    So I would request to keep an option in future edit, where user can use or may have option to use the "In Built Keystore" for all his apps or if someone needs "custom keystore" he can use the custom keystore option.

    I hope you understand my massage. What I suggest is to keep an option for using In Built Keystore in keywords menu. So every time we don't need to click that menu.


  2. admin

    27 Feb 2018 Administrator

    @entire3d , You need to understand that just for making it easier, we cannot compromise with the security policies and the recommendations by Google Play. We request to YOU also to use custom keystore feature. If you need some help with it, Our support can surely help you.

  3. Edited 6 years ago by admin

    Now if i make few apps and use the same keystore file rather creating new keystore file will it be okay?

    Like I create custom keystore file once and than use it for all my apps?


  4. admin

    27 Feb 2018 Administrator

    Yes, It will be OKAY to use one keystore for all the apps.

  5. that's great, that's a life saver :)

    One last question, if i had to update any of my old app after using the same keystore file, should i use that keystore file for all app updates ? will it works than?


  6. admin

    27 Feb 2018 Administrator

    Yes, It will work, it is so simple you should understand it.


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